Node Nx Tutorial - Step 6: Computation Caching Tutorial | Node | Step 6: Computation Caching

Nx has built-in computation caching, which drastically improves the performance of the commands.

To see it in action, run nx build todos:

> nx run todos:build
Starting type checking service...
Using 14 workers with 2048MB memory limit
Hash: 51f23143c450a9f931a7
Built at: 09/04/2020 4:03:20 PM
Entrypoint main = main.js
chunk {main} main.js, (main) 4.17 KiB [entry] [rendered]

Now, run nx build todos again, and you will see the results appearing instantly:

> nx run todos:build

>  NX   NOTE  Cached Output:

Starting type checking service...
Using 14 workers with 2048MB memory limit
Hash: 51f23143c450a9f931a7
Built at: 09/04/2020 4:03:20 PM
Entrypoint main = main.js
chunk {main} main.js, (main) 4.17 KiB [entry] [rendered]

Based on the state of the source code and the environment, Nx was able to figure out that it had already run this exact command. Nx found the artifact in the local cache and replayed the output and restored the necessary files.


Nx is smart, so it knows how applications and libraries in the workspace depend on each other.

Run nx lint todos --with-deps, and you see that Nx lints both the todos app and the libraries it depends on.

>  NX  Running target lint for project todos and its 2 deps.


> nx run data:lint

Linting "data"...

All files pass linting.

> nx run auth:lint

Linting "auth"...

All files pass linting.

> nx run todos:lint

Linting "todos"...

All files pass linting.


>  NX   SUCCESS  Running target "lint" succeeded

Add --parallel to any command, and Nx will do most of the work in parallel.